
(The mercy and compassion of Sri Raghavendra Swamy towards his devotee)

Date : April 25, 2024


Dear Devotees : Namaskara.

| Sri MannMoolaRamastu Mannmathe Moolamahasamsthhaana Mantralaya Sri Rayaramathe||


The mercy and compassion of Sri Raghavendra Swamy towards his devotees is described in Mantralaya(1087).


In the holy land of Mantralaya, the soil holds the blessings of Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, and Shiva, along with great souls like Vijaya Dasaru. Flowing serenely through this blessed land is the Tunga Bhadra river, its crystalline waters a hymn of devotion, chanting the name of Narayana with each gentle ripple. As the river meanders gracefully, it seems to echo the eternal gratitude for Sri Rayaru, whose selfless acts have bestowed boundless blessings upon humanity.In this special place, every breeze and every tree carries a touch of divinity. Mantralaya is a sanctuary where people find peace, surrounded by a divine atmosphere. It's a place where the spiritual and earthly worlds come together, offering solace and inspiration to all who visit.

In the sacred realm of Mantralaya, Sri Rayaru's essence thrives, embracing genuine devotion in all its forms. Under the compassionate guidance of the present pontiff, Sri Subhudendra Teertharu, equality reigns supreme. Here, every individual is welcomed and respected, transcending barriers of caste, creed, and gender.

Let's delve into a heartwarming incident from the sacred grounds of Mantralaya.

Once, a devout soul, pure of heart but unfamiliar with Sanskrit, embarked on a pilgrimage to this hallowed land. Despite the linguistic barrier, he grasped the essence of true devotion. Each day in Mantralaya, he commenced his spiritual journey by rising at dawn, immersing himself in the purifying waters of the Tungabhadra river.His first pilgrimage was to Manchalema and Sri Hanumanta Devaru, seeking their divine blessings. Then, he reverently sought the darshan of Sri Raghavendra Teertharu and Sri Vadeendra Teertharu. After experiencing the divine presence, he embarked on a Pradakshina/circumambulation to Sri Rayaru, chanting the Sri Raghavendra Guru Stotra. Despite being unable to read and understand Sanskrit fluently, he had diligently learned the stotra through both reading and listening to the teachings of others.

On a serene day, as he undertook his Pradakshina/circumambulation, enveloped in the rhythmic recitation of the Sri Raghavendra Guru Stotra, a powerful verse resonated within his soul:

|| Raajachoramahaavyaaghrasarpanakraadipeedanam
na jaayate.asya strotrasya prabhaavaannaatra samshayaha ||

The devotee was reciting the verse, thinking that "Raja Chora Maha Vyaaghr" referred to characters of Sri Rayaru, saying each one separately. Suddenly, a learned Sudha Pandit saw this and stopped him, saying, "You're doing it all wrong! If you don't know Sanskrit, you shouldn't chant. You're disrespecting Sri Rayaru. Leave!" The devotee felt terrible, realizing he had been insulting Sri Rayaru without knowing. He cried in front of Sri Rayaru, admitting his mistake and asking for forgiveness, saying, "You're my Guru and God. I didn't mean to insult you. Please forgive me for this terrible sin."

That night, in Sudha Pandit's dream, Sri Raghavendra Teertharu appeared and inquired about the situation. Rayaru questioned Sudha Pandit, "Why are you intervening when my devotee is reciting the stotra? Whether correct or not, I joyfully listen. Who are you to come between us?" Sri Raghavendra Teertharu reminded Sudha Pandit of his role as a teacher, emphasizing that his duty is to educate with love and kindness. Sri Raghavendra Teertharu emphasized that arrogance has no place for a Sudha Pandit. Rayaru told Sudha Pandit to find the devotee the next day and teach him gently, without asking him to stop chanting

The next day, Sudha Pandit waited patiently at the temple, but the devotee didn't show up for a long while. Growing concerned, Sudha Pandit set out in search of him, checking around the Manchelama temple and its surroundings. Finally, he found the devotee by the banks of the Tungabhadra River, tears streaming down his face."Sudha Pandit asked the devotee, where have you been? I've been waiting for you at the temple,Why didn't you come to the temple? I've been waiting for you." The devotee replied sorrowfully, "As you said, I insulted Rayaru, so I felt I had no right to enter the temple." Sudha Pandit reassured him, saying, "In my dream, Sri Rayaru came and said he appreciates your devotion. He wants you to come to the temple."With relief and gratitude, the devotee wiped away his tears and agreed to accompany Sudha Pandit back to the temple.

Sudha Pandit brought the devotee back to the temple and kindly taught him the meaning of what he had been chanting. He explained that the verse,

|| Raajachoramahaavyaaghrasarpanakraadipeedanam
na jaayate.asya strotrasya prabhaavaannaatra samshayaha ||

signifies that the devotees are protected from various dangers like the cruelty of kings, thieves, tigers, serpents, and crocodiles by reciting this stotra. Sudha Pandit emphasized that this is the miraculous power of the holy Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra.

Sudha Pandit patiently taught the devotee the Guru Stotra, explaining its meaning thoroughly. With understanding dawning upon him, the devotee's heart swelled with joy. From that day forward, he joyfully embarked on his daily circumambulation around the Brindavana, chanting the Guru Stotra with newfound reverence and comprehension

This incident beautifully illustrates why Sri Yogindra Teertharu referred to Sri Raghavendraru as "Namo atyanta dayaluve," signifying the most merciful Yati and God. Despite the devotee's unintentional error in chanting, Sri Rayaru perceived the purity of his devotion, overlooking the mistake. Moreover, Sri Rayaru graciously guided him to learn the stotra correctly, ensuring spiritual growth.

In this divine encounter, Sri Rayaru's boundless compassion shines brightly. Rayaru not only nurtured the devotee's faith but also enlightened Sudha Pandit about the true essence of his role. Through his kindness, Sri Rayaru bestowed understanding and compassion upon Sudha Pandit, revealing the deeper significance of his spiritual path.

Indeed, Sri Rayaru's response reflects his divine compassion. Like a nurturing mother who tenderly overlooks the playful kicks of her infant, Sri Rayaru didn't harbor any anger towards either Sudha Pandit or the devotee. Instead, he embraced them with understanding and kindness, guiding them gently towards spiritual growth.

In his benevolent presence, Sri Rayaru embodies the essence of unconditional love and forgiveness. Rayaru mission is not only to bestow blessings but also to distribute Punya, or spiritual merit, to all who seek his grace. Through his divine presence, Sri Rayaru illuminates the path of devotion, leading souls towards spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.

The mercy and compassion of Sri Raghavendra Swamy towards his devotees are often described as boundless and profound. Sri Rayaru listens to the prayers of his devotees with immense patience and understanding, regardless of their shortcomings or mistakes. Sri Raghavendra Swamy is an embodiment of love and compassion, always ready to offer guidance, protection, and blessings to those who seek his divine grace.

Many devotees share personal experiences of miraculous interventions and blessings received through the intercession of Sri Raghavendra Swamy. Sri Raghavendrau responds to the sincere prayers and heartfelt devotion of his devotees by alleviating their troubles, granting them inner peace, and guiding them along the path of righteousness.

Sri Raghavendra Swamy's mercy is often described in terms of his tireless dedication to uplifting the lives of his devotees, both spiritually and materially. Rayaru divine presence brings solace and comfort to those in distress and to bestow blessings upon all who approach him with faith and devotion.

The devotion towards Sri Raghavendrateertharu is the ultimate truth and is the most simple and effective way to reach Sri Hari  - "NAMBI KETTAVARILLAVO EE GURUGALA"! “Those who have complete faith in this Guru will never be disappointed.”