
(Rationale behind Krishna's marriage to 16,108 princesses )

Date : March 27, 2024


Dear Devotees : Namaskara.

| Sri MannMoolaRamastu Mannmathe Moolamahasamsthhaana Mantralaya Sri Rayaramathe||


The designation of Supreme Lord Krishna as an "Aadi Brahmachari," alongside the rationale behind his marriage to 16,108 princesses is explained in Mantralaya(1083).


Many loose tongues gossip about Krishna's interactions with numerous women, often questioning why he married 16,108 princesses.

Sages and Acharyas have clarified that Krishna is Anadi (eternally) brahmachari (unaltered with desires)

In this episode, let's delve into the true reason behind Krishna's marriage to 16,108 princesses.

Jarasandha, a powerful king from Magadha, had a big dream. He wanted to rule over the whole land of Bharata. To make this happen, he came up with a wicked plan. He started by kidnapping the sons of kings from all corners of Bharata, from the southern tip to the northern Himalayas.

He kept these princes locked up in his fortress in Magadha, which is in present-day Bihar. Jarasandha had two reasons for doing this. First, by controlling these royal heirs, he hoped to control their kingdoms and expand his influence across Bharata. Second, he aimed to manipulate the process of royal succession by putting his own allies in power when kings passed away.

This cruel scheme created fear and chaos among the ruling families of Bharata. Jarasandha's actions posed a serious threat to the stability and freedom

Jarasandha, known for his ruthless tactics, had a strict rule of not kidnapping the daughters of kings. However, his wicked friend Narakasura persuaded him to reconsider this policy. Narakasura argued that by kidnapping the daughters, they could control the future heirs to the throne, as a king could appoint his grandson born from his daughter as the successor.

Despite initially refusing, Jarasandha eventually relented, allowing Narakasura to carry out his sinister plan. Narakasura proceeded to abduct 16,100 daughters from the royal families across the world, imprisoning them in his jail. This act further fueled the fear and unrest among the kingdoms, setting the stage for the unfolding events of the Mahabharata.

 Jarasandha made sure to imprison all the sons of kings, while Narakasura did the same for their daughters. Their plan was to eliminate any potential successors to the throne, allowing them to install their own officials as rulers of these kingdoms upon the death of the current kings. This devious scheme aimed to consolidate their power and control over the entire land.

Jarasandha feared the strength of both the Kuruvamsha and Yaduvamsha dynasties. The Kuruvamsha was led by Bhishma, while the Yaduvamsha was ruled by Ugrasena and later by Kamsa.  Jarasandha devised a cunning tactic to curry favor with both the Kuruvamsha and Yaduvamsha dynasties.

Jarasandha pressured Kamsa to overthrow his father, Ugra Sena, and seize the throne. Manipulated by Jarasandha's influence, Kamsa imprisoned his own father. To mitigate the fallout, Jarasandha arranged for his daughter to marry Kamsa, attempting to ease tensions and secure his position.

After resolving the conflict with the Yaduvamsha, Jarasandha approached the Kuruvamsha and reached an agreement with Bhishma. They pledged not to engage in any conflict, ensuring that both kingdoms would peacefully coexist within their respective boundaries.

Supreme God Krishna was aware that all the sons and daughters of the kings were held captive by Jarasandha and Narakasura.

Krishna, determined to punish Jarasandha, faced a challenge as many of his relatives were allied with Jarasandha. Kamsa, Krishna's uncle, was particularly close to Jarasandha as he was married to his daughter. To sever this connection and weaken Jarasandha's influence over Yaduvamsha, Krishna, at the tender age of 10, took decisive action and killed Kamsa. This unexpected turn of events left Jarasandha fearful of the repercussions. Subsequently, Krishna appointed Ugra Sena, Kamsa's father, as the new king in place of Kamsa.

In the Mahabharata, there were 18 Akshohini armies, but Jarasandha bolstered his forces to 23 Akshohini armies to confront Krishna. Jarasandha launched 18 attacks on Mathura and Dwaraka, prompting Krishna to relocate to Dwaraka to evade the relentless assaults by Jarasandha's forces in Mathura. Despite Jarasandha's repeated attempts, he failed to even lay a finger on Krishna.

After slaying Kamsa, Krishna resolved to rescue all the princesses who were under the oppressive grip of Narakasura's dark shadow. Recognizing the urgency of the situation and considering the age of the princesses, Krishna prioritized their liberation. He wished to ensure their freedom swiftly, especially since they were approaching the age of marriage.

Krishna confronted Narakasura directly, demanding the release of all the princesses. When Narakasura refused, Krishna engaged in a fierce battle with the evil tyrant and emerged victorious, ultimately slaying Narakasura. Following his victory, Krishna appointed Narakasura's son as his successor. It's worth noting that Krishna never harbored any desire for kingship or dominion.

After defeating Narakasura, Supreme God Krishna freed all the princesses and encouraged them to return to their kingdoms. However, the princesses, with tearful eyes and trembling voices, expressed their fear of societal judgment and rejection. "Our families and society will cast us aside, questioning our purity at every turn," they lamented. "No one will accept us for marriage." Overwhelmed by despair, they pleaded with Krishna to allow them to remain in the confines of the jail, resigned to a fate of darkness and despair.
Feeling the weight of their pain and desperation, Krishna's heart swelled with compassion. Unable to bear seeing them suffer, he resolved to change their destiny. With a tender smile, he assured the princesses that they deserved a bright future filled with love and happiness. "You are not alone," he whispered softly. "I will stand by your side and ensure that you find the happiness you deserve."

In a divine gesture of love and compassion, Krishna chose to marry all of the princesses, offering them a new beginning and a ray of hope amidst their despair. Through this act, he exemplified the importance of caring for and protecting women, showing that every individual deserves dignity, respect, and a chance at happiness. Thus, the real reason behind Sri Krishna's marriage to 16,100 women was not mere tradition or duty, but a profound commitment to justice, equality, and the empowerment of women everywhere.

After ten to twenty years of freeing the princesses, Krishna felt it was time to liberate the princes who had been imprisoned by Jarasandha. At the age of 55, Krishna, accompanied by Bhima, decided to confront Jarasandha. By this time, Dharmaraj, also known as Yudhishthira, was 57 years old, and the Pandavas had established their kingdom in Indraprasta.
As preparations for the Raja Suya Yaga were underway, the Pandavas extended an invitation to Krishna. Krishna and Bhima journeyed to Jarasandha's kingdom. In a fierce battle, they confronted Jarasandha and emerged victorious, ultimately freeing all the imprisoned princes from their long captivity.

Before liberating the princes, Lord Krishna, in his infinite compassion, first liberated all the princesses from their plight. These noble women, upon becoming the wives of Krishna, surrendered their entire beings to him, their devotion unwavering. Their hearts and minds were eternally absorbed in meditation upon the divine Supreme Sri Krishna

Throughout the Krishna Avatar, the Supreme Lord set an example by demonstrating how to respect women.

kṛishnaya vasudevaya haraye paramatmane
praṇataḥ klesanasaya govindaya namo namaḥ

"Salutations to Krishna, son of Vasudeva, Hari, the Supreme Soul. I bow to Govinda, the destroyer of suffering."

The devotion towards Sri Raghavendrateertharu is the ultimate truth and is the most simple and effective way to reach Sri Hari  - "NAMBI KETTAVARILLAVO EE GURUGALA"! “Those who have complete faith in this Guru will never be disappointed.”